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Support Strategies for Quitting

If you think you might have alcohol use disorder (AUD) and decide to stop drinking completely, don’t go it alone.

Evidence-Based Treatment Approaches
Evidence-based treatment approaches (medications, behavioral therapy, and mutual-support groups) are available to help people stop drinking. One size doesn’t fit all, however. It’s a good idea to do some research to find peer, social, and professional support options that appeal to you because you are more likely to stick with them. You may find that a treatment strategy that combines evidence-based approaches can be effective for you. For guidance, visit the NIAAA Alcohol Treatment Navigator® and review current choices in the booklet Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help. (See also the Help Links section.) Chances are excellent that you’ll pull together an approach that works for you.

Learn more at:

Don't Give Up

Changing unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, overeating, or drinking too much can take a lot of effort, and you may not succeed with the first try. Setbacks are common, but you learn more each time. Each try brings you closer to your goal. Whatever course you choose, give it a fair trial.

If one approach doesn't work, try something else. If a setback happens, get back on track as quickly as possible. In the long run, your chances for success are good. Research shows that most people who drink heavily, even those with AUD, can cut back significantly or quit.

Order our free print publication, available in English and Spanish

Download or order the free 20-page booklet, “Rethinking Drinking: Alcohol & Your Health”.

Rethinking Drinking English booklet

Disponible en Español

Descargue o ordene copias gratis del folleto de 20 páginas ‘Piénselo Antes de Beber: El Alcohol y su Salud’.

Rethinking Drinking Spanish booklet

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