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Social Support (Friends and Family)

One potential challenge when people stop drinking is rebuilding a life without alcohol. It may be important to:

  • Educate family and friends
  • Develop new interests and social groups
  • Find rewarding ways to spend your time that don’t involve alcohol
  • Ask for help from others

When asking for support from friends or significant others, be specific. This could include:

  • Not offering you alcohol
  • Not using alcohol around you
  • Giving words of support and withholding criticism
  • Not asking you to take on new demands right now
  • Going to a group like Al-Anon
Order our free print publication, available in English and Spanish

Download or order the free 20-page booklet, “Rethinking Drinking: Alcohol & Your Health”.

Rethinking Drinking English booklet

Disponible en Español

Descargue o ordene copias gratis del folleto de 20 páginas ‘Piénselo Antes de Beber: El Alcohol y su Salud’.

Rethinking Drinking Spanish booklet

An official website of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the National Institutes of Health

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