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What's a “Standard Drink”?

In the United States, a “standard drink” (also known as an alcoholic drink equivalent) is defined as any beverage containing 0.6 fluid ounces or 14 grams of pure alcohol. Although the drinks pictured here are different sizes, each contains approximately the same amount of alcohol and counts as one U.S. standard drink or one alcoholic drink equivalent.

12 fl oz of
regular beer
8–10 fl oz of
malt liquor or flavored malt beverages such as hard seltzer (shown in a 12 oz glass)
5 fl oz of
table wine
3–4 fl oz of
fortified wine
(such as sherry or port; 3.5 oz shown)
2–3 fl oz of
cordial, liqueur, or aperitif (2.5 oz shown)
1.5 fl oz of brandy or cognac
(a single jigger)
1.5 fl oz shot of
distilled spirits (gin, rum, tequila, vodka, whiskey, etc.)
12 fl oz of regular beer - about 5% alcohol
about 5% alcohol
8 - 10 fl oz of mAlternateText liquor in a 12 oz glass - about 7% alcohol
about 7% alcohol
5 fl oz of table wine - about 12% alcohol
about 12% alcohol
3-4 oz of fortified wine - about 17% alcohol
about 17% alcohol
2-3 oz of cordial, liquer, or aperitif - about 24% alcohol
about 24% alcoho
1.5 oz of brandy (a single jigger) - 40% alcohol
about 40% alcohol
1.5 fl oz shot of 80-proof distilled spirits (about 40% alcohol)
about 40% alcohol
12 fl oz of
regular beer
12 fl oz of regular beer - about 5% alcohol
about 5% alcohol
8–10 fl oz of
malt liquor or flavored malt beverages such as hard seltzer (shown in a 12 oz glass)
8 - 10 fl oz of mAlternateText liquor in a 12 oz glass - about 7% alcohol
about 7% alcohol
5 fl oz of
table wine
5 fl oz of table wine - about 12% alcohol
about 12% alcohol
3–4 fl oz of
fortified wine
(such as sherry or port; 3.5 oz shown)
3-4 oz of fortified wine - about 17% alcohol
about 17% alcohol
2–3 fl oz of
cordial, liqueur, or aperitif (2.5 oz shown)
2-3 oz of cordial, liquer, or aperitif - about 24% alcohol
about 24% alcoho
1.5 fl oz of brandy or cognac
(a single jigger)
1.5 oz of brandy (a single jigger) - 40% alcohol
about 40% alcohol
1.5 fl oz shot of
distilled spirits (gin, rum, tequila, vodka, whiskey, etc.)
1.5 fl oz shot of 80-proof distilled spirits (about 40% alcohol)
about 40% alcohol

The percentage of pure alcohol, expressed here as alcohol by volume (alc/vol), varies within and across beverage types. Although the standard drink amounts are helpful for following health guidelines, they may not reflect customary serving sizes.

Order our free print publication, available in English and Spanish

Download or order the free 20-page booklet, “Rethinking Drinking: Alcohol & Your Health”.

Rethinking Drinking English booklet

Disponible en Español

Descargue o ordene copias gratis del folleto de 20 páginas ‘Piénselo Antes de Beber: El Alcohol y su Salud’.

Rethinking Drinking Spanish booklet

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